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Frequently asked questions about orders & payment

How do I place an order?

Start shopping!

1. If you know what you're looking for, start shopping by selecting the product category links: e.g. Cooking, Dining, Drinking, Scissors, Decoration, Garden & Outdoor. You can also shop our products through the "BRANDS" section. If you have a specific product in mind or are unsure where to start, you can simply enter a key word in the search box on the homepage.
2. Once you have found an item you want to buy, select the “READ MORE” button or on the "ADD TO SHOPPING CART’ button.
3. You can then either click on the "SHOPPING CART" button, or review the items in your shopping cart by clicking on "CHECKOUT".
4. If you're happy with the items in your shopping bag, click "CONTINUE TO CHECKOUT" to complete your order. You will be able to use the "REMOVE THIS ITEM" button to remove products from your basket if you change your mind.

Choose your shipping destination.
We now deliver to several countries around Europe! If you can't find the country you live in  unfortunately it means that we do not yet deliver to where you live. We are adding new delivery destinations all the time so make sure you check back soon.

Create your account.
You will need to create an account in order to shop with us. This will only take a minute. Just click on the register page to fill in your details.

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